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Pray It Forward

February 19, 2025
By Charlie Seamans, Assistant Principal

February is Black History Month, Valentine’s Day was Friday, Lent is around the corner, and Easter approaches, and we can all be consumed with thoughts about planning and preparing for what’s next.  

As I chime in our moment right now, notice what arises as you SIFT your sensations, images, feelings, and thoughts about what you can control right now. We can always look to our prayer, what we can sacrifice, and what we can give to others, in this moment and the next.  

So, as you connect with God in this moment, offer a kind thought for peace and wellness to someone whom you may not know very well (seated near you or across from you), someone who is, and will always be, a part of our human family.

As you notice the beauty and grace in your own life, think of something, some item or thing, and silently ask God to do with it what he wills, and pray for patience if you were to no longer have this treasure.

Lastly, notice what you can give to our family, right now. If you aren’t sure what you can give, your positive attitude, effort, and energy are within your control and these things are contagious! You can remind yourself of this by saying “Pay (with frequency and intention of love) it forward.” 

I’ll chime out this moment, and you can return to this mindfulness practice anytime you need it, and I pray you all have a wonderful day. 

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