STM Blog
Welcome to Saint Thomas More Catholic School’s blog, your family’s resource for parenting tips, faith inspiration, and behind-the-scenes life at our school!
Make Mercy Your Family's Way of Life

Mercy is showing kindness, compassion, and forgiveness, even when others may not deserve it. Taught early, mercy becomes a way of life. Fill your family’s year with the compassion and kindness of this virtue:
Foster kindness. Grab chances to be kind. Teach youngsters to pitch in without being asked. Allow someone to cut in line. Walk away from an argument. Hug a sad friend.
Forgive quickly. Jesus said, “If you forgive others their [sins], your heavenly Father will forgive you” (Matthew 6:14). Followers of Jesus forgive even before we are asked. Better still, forgive as God forgives: fully and fast.
Practice mercy. Choose a corporal or spiritual work of mercy and perform it as a family. Feed the hungry at a soup kitchen, give gently used clothing to a shelter, pray for the dead.
Pray for mercy. Prayer is powerful. Together, pray, "Lord I am a sinner; come with your mercy.” Also, pray a Chaplet of Divine Mercy, a short, comforting prayer that can be said on regular Rosary beads.
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