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Make Mercy Your Family's Way of Life

February 19, 2025
By Kelly Marriott, Religion Coordinator

Mercy is showing kindness, compassion, and forgiveness, even when others may not deserve it. Taught early, mercy becomes a way of life. Fill your family’s year with the compassion and kindness of this virtue:

Foster kindness. Grab chances to be kind. Teach youngsters to pitch in without being asked. Allow someone to cut in line. Walk away from an argument. Hug a sad friend.
Forgive quickly. Jesus said, “If you forgive others their [sins], your heavenly Father will forgive you” (Matthew 6:14). Followers of Jesus forgive even before we are asked. Better still, forgive as God forgives: fully and fast.
Practice mercy. Choose a corporal or spiritual work of mercy and perform it as a family. Feed the hungry at a soup kitchen, give gently used clothing to a shelter, pray for the dead.
Pray for mercy. Prayer is powerful. Together, pray, "Lord I am a sinner; come with your mercy.” Also, pray a Chaplet of Divine Mercy, a short, comforting prayer that can be said on regular Rosary beads.

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