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Live the Little Way of St. Thérèse this month

October 17, 2024
By Kelly Marriott, Religion Coordinator

St. Thérèse of Lisieux (October 1) discovered that even the smallest acts, when done with great love, bring joy to God and help us grow in holiness — even something as simple as picking up a thread from the ground. This month, consider encouraging children to “pick up” any of these small, loving threads together. 

  • Rise and shine. When your alarm goes off, rise up immediately with purpose and offer your day to God.
  • Honor His name. Whenever you hear the name of God or Jesus, bow your head in respect. Let it be a simple reminder of His presence in your life.
  • Be a thoughtful listener. Resist the urge to interrupt when someone’s speaking, and show you’re fully engaged by making eye contact. Your attentiveness can be a quiet
    act of love.
  • Commit to what you do. St. Josemaría Escrivá said it best, “Do what you ought, and put yourself into what you are doing.” Whether it’s a big task or a small one, give it your full attention and effort.
  • Spread kindness daily. Start small, like offering someone else the best piece of a treat before taking one for yourself.
  • Embrace gratitude. Thank God each day for what you have, even when life feels difficult. Gratitude, even in hard times, is a courageous and beautiful act of love.

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